Saturday, February 4, 2012

Back Cover Copy

Okay, all you literati, hit me with your best shot. Please! Would you want to read this book? Don't feel bad if you must say no, because I'll just rework the back cover copy until you do. :)

Katie Mylady is a mentally challenged eleven-year-old whose greatest desire is to fit in. Her mother, Leslie, is convinced that Katie’s complete healing is the only solution. And that belief has just been fueled by a promise from God.

But things get very complicated. As Leslie stumbles onto an internet article that offers amazing hope, God begins to prepare Katie.

Each time Katie falls asleep, she wakes in a classroom in Heaven. But is she being prepared for her healing or something far different?

Will Katie accept her reason for being born even if it involves a road to healing littered with unheard of detours? Even looking into the eyes of pure evil?

Yet, her newly discovered determination clears the path, and she begins to realize that certain sacrifices must be made. Not to mention the opportunities that would crumble for her new best friend if she chooses not to follow her dreams.