Monday, March 21, 2011

A Day in the Life

Today I woke at 6:15, helped sweet girl with breakfast and grooming. Of course, we say our daily Bible verses. I love the Lord my God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength, and I love my neighbor as myself. I have the mind of Christ. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. By Jesus' stripes I am healed. They come easily. As effortless as taking our next breath. Love it!

Leslie's ride arrives and I hurry to the kitchen to mix up a smoothie - cup of strawberries, two tablespoons Greek Yogurt, half cup soy milk, half a banana, and one cup crushed ice. Plop it all in the blender and voila!  Heaven in a glass.

Stevie Wonder's Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing blares from my laptop as I dance as hard as I can. Now this is my way of staying in shape!

It is now time to start the daily process of editing the novel I have studied and trained ten years to write. Yep, it's finished, but one more layer of editing must be done.  I love it! It is my passion, and I feel Jesus sitting right beside me as I read each sentence. Dissecting it until it is as perfect as I can possibly make it.

I allow myself a moment to imagine all the precious mothers, sisters, caretakers, God lovers, etc. etc. soaring on eagles wings as they fly into Heaven. The Heaven I see.  A ride more entertaining than what you would find at Disney World.

Prayer and Praise flow from my mouth.  Thank you my sweet friend, Jesus, for your love for me!

More to follow!


  1. Darlene, Thank you for your post. I accidentally deleted it. I edited the post and well... I am still getting acclimated to having a blog. LOL

  2. Sorry, Beth, I deleted your's too! Whew! I promise to get my act together soon. LOL Thank you SO much!

  3. Thanks for sharing your day... and those passions in your heart. I can picture you doing all of those things. You are a blessing!! Thanks for helping others see... and inspiring us to bring heaven to earth. There's nothing more beautiful than that!

  4. I look forward to reading more of your blog and your book in the future. I pray you will continue to have inspiration and favor. Blessings.
